What My Birth Trauma Has Taught Me

‘So in honour of Birth Trauma Awareness Week, I thought I would share what I have learnt from having a traumatic first birth with my son (trigger warning for this post - please read with care). I wasn't a doula six years ago and I truly thought having a relaxed, go with the flow attitude was a good thing to do. It wasn't.’

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A doula's guide to induction

‘The decision to be induced is truly, the most important part of the process. Often missed out completely with women thinking that the induction isn’t a choice. Firstly, induction is ALWAYS a choice, even if the medical reasons are very real, everything to do with your body and your baby are your choice. It may not always be presented like a choice but it is.’

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Tanya's home birth story during the pandemic

‘The pool was amazing and allowed me to get on my hands and knees during contractions. I was sick at one point but I remember telling Jenna I felt like I was at the spa with the water and my twinkly lights and affirmations everywhere!’

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Sleeping with our babies…the good, the sad and the snuggly

‘So exhausted parents all over the world, feeding their babies, cuddled up in bed, feel that natural urge to fall asleep together and some do. In lots of cultures it is common place and considered completely safe and in others it would be seen as neglectful to sleep separately from your child. And in others it is used to actively promote healthy development. So where did our fear of co sleeping come from?’

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Grieving babyhood

‘For eight years I’ve been in the pre school trenches. I’ve been pregnant or breastfeeding for most of it and I’m just used to having little ones at home. Motherhood for me has been so life changing and transformative, it’s kind of obliterated whatever was before them. Yes I’m still me but I have learnt so much having my heart explode, twice.’

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