Are you too busy to birth?  Here’s ten tips to help you slow down…

‘Birth is a physiological AND emotional process. Simply put when your oxytocin levels (the love hormone - think how you feel when you’re really happy - that’s oxytocin) are high enough that your contractions can start... your baby will begin making their journey earth side.  So how do oxytocin levels get high?  You need to feel joy and lots of it.’

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My two minute conversation with Ina May Gaskin

‘...we can plan and plan and plan but we just can't know... and not knowing needs to be part of the plan too.  Finding a way to be ok with that is important.  Antenatal prep should be more about finding your voice to speak up when your intuition is giving off warning signals, helping you let go so you can ride the waves of motherhood and grounding yourself into a calm space so you can handle the overwhelm.’

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The Good Enough Birth

‘Accepting that, while there might be magical moments, birth may also be surprising and, at times, even mundane, we can begin to have a more realistic view of what is ahead of us. In fact, it’s pretty good practice for parenthood! Having some plans in mind but accepting that there will be much we can’t control sets us up brilliantly for our mothering journeys too.’

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My Positive Birth FOMO

‘So slowly over time I have practiced this feeling of FOMO, this shift to not being where I thought I wanted to be, often staying home with the kids while I live vicariously through my friends and their cool insta stories.  And it has faded, dimmed, that feeling that I'm missing out.  I started to focus simply on what I was doing and all the loveliness in that.’

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